Our Lady of Peace School (OLPS) is a Cathedral School founded in 1972 by Msgr. Vicente Fernandez who invited the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres to administer the school. Through the years of its existence, OLPS has taken to itself the spiritual, moral, social, intellectual, and emotional development of its clientele, the STUDENT. The 50 years of existence is a concrete proof of its commitment ot service and involvement in growth and development of the youth of Antipolo.
Precisely because the school endeavors to answer the needs of a society characterized by depersonalization and a mass production mentality which so easily result from scientific and technological developments, OLPS develops into an authenticity formational school, reducing such risks to a minimum. It develops persons who are responsible and inner-directed, capable of choosing freely in conformity with their conscience.
We look forward to your stay.
History of Our Lady of Peace School
Our Lady of Peace School was established and offered Kindergarten.
Kindergarten held its first graduation with 47 graduates.
Sr. Alloysius Pacis, SPC, was appointed as the First Superior and Principal
Our Lady of Peace School opens offering for primary grades
Kindergarten Course and Grades 1 to 4 were given recognition by DECS.
Our Lady of Peace School opens offering for Intermediate grade levels.
The Elementary Department was given recognition by DECS
The First Graduation in the Elementary Department was held.
The First Year of the four-year high school course was opened.
Rev. Fr. Feliciano Manalili was appointed the First School Director.
Sr. Louise Therese, SPC was appointed the First School Head and Grade School Principal
Sr. Ma. Emilia Lagasca, SPC was appointed as the First High School Principal
Msgr. Protacio G. Gungon, D.D. was appointed as the second School Director.
Our Lady of Peace School held its first High School Graduation with 50 graduates.
Sr. Auguste Sarte, SPC was appointed as the Second High School Principal.
The first batch of Kindergarten pupils graduated in High School.
Sr. Concordia Salaria, SPC was appointed as the second Grade School Principal.
The High School Department was granted full Government recognition.
Our Lady of Peace School became a member of MAPSA.
Sr. Ma. Luz Roldan, SPC was appointed as the third Grade School Principal.
The High School Department was recognized by the DECS as one of the 250 top performing schools in the Philippines, ranking 106th.
Sr. Mia Magdalena Goretti, SPC was appointed as the fourth Grade School Principal.
The construction of a three-story building began as part of the expansion of the school brought about by the demand to accept more and more students due to the influx of residents from the city to the subdivisions of Antipolo.
The newly-constructed St. Joseph Building was inaugurated and occupied by the Grade School pupils.
Sr. Yolanda Orpilla, SPC was appointed as the second School Head and Fifth Grade School Principal
Sr. Dedicacion Rosario, SPC was appointed as the second High School Principal.
Construction of the High School Annex began in March, and the completion and blessing was held in June.
Sr. Aida Bautista was appointed as the first School Head and Principal.
The administration acquired 2.7 hectares of land as expansion site of Our Lady of Peace School in Barangay San Luis, Antipolo.
Our Lady of Peace School celebrated its Silver Jubilee Foundation Anniversary.
Sr. Cecilia Sto. Tomas, SPC was appointed as the second School Head and Principal.
Sr. Josefa Lasala, SPC was appointed as the sixth Grade School Principal.
The construction of the St. Paul Building for High School started.
The inauguration of the St. Paul Building.
Sr. Carmen Cua, SPC was appointed as the third School Head and Principal.
Our Lady of Peace School celebrated its 30th Foundation Anniversary.
Launching of OLPS' strategic paths and directions, as well as the development of institutional priorities, namely the "Academic Formation", the "Christian Formation", and "Formation in Social Responsibility" which were initiated by Sr. Felecitas Bernardo, SPC.
Sr. Felicitas Bernardo, SPC was appointed as the fourth School Head and Principal.
OLPS opened the extension school in Tawid-Tawid as OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension School with Kinders 1 and 2.
The Reading Learning Center was created.
OLPS passed the certification of PEAC-FAPE.
OLPS created the English and Science Learning Centers
After major renovations to the school, the Marian Hall, Kinder Playground, and the expansion of the Canteen and the library were created.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension School offered Grade 1.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension Schol offered Grade 2.
OLPS constructed a Math Learning Center and two Speech Laboratories.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension school offered Adul non-formal education.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Communtiy Extension School offered Grade 3.
OLPS created the Christian Living Education.
OLPS opened Pope John Paul II Minor Seminary in Barangay San Luis, Antipolo City
Forty (40) faculty from both the High School and Grade Schol Department finished their Graduate Studies in St. Paul University, Surigao.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension Schol offered Kinder and Grades 1-3.
OLPS launched the RCC-WBLS program.
Renovation of the canteen and Library, as well as creation of additional Learning Centers for Math and Science.
Robotics Laboratory was constructed
Ten units of Interactive Boards were acquired for Kinder, Grade 1 classrooms, and Math and Science Learning Centers.
Our Lady of Peace School passed the re-certification of PEAC-FAPE with an average score of 3.95.
There was major repair of the riprap along Dela Paz Street.
Construction of the electrical service drop and transformer was done
The first Faculty Journal Volume 1, Series 1 was published.
Launching of the RCC-WBLS Activity Books (Telling and Re-telling the Story of Jesus)
Conversion of Marian Hall into classrooms was done to accommodate 4th year classes.
The lot at the back of the Cathedral was acquired for future expansion.
Consultancy Visit of PAASCU prior to preliminary survey
Rooms and offices were furnished with technology (DLP, SPeakers, and Interactive Boards).
Our Lady of Peace School implemented the RCC-WBLS curriculum (Religion as the core of the curriculum, Whole Brain Learning System as the strategy) authored by trained faculty members.
Construction of the Marian Building: Gymnasium, Marian Hall, and 10 additional Classrooms began.
The newly constructed Marian Building was occupied.
PAASCU Preliminary Visit happened on August 2-3.
Our Lady of Peace School was granted Candidate Status by PAASCU on December 13.
Janie and Nancy Smith, ASDC CADRE, USA visited Our Lady of Peace School for the implementation of Understanding by Design (UBD) with Differentiated Instruction
The Principal's Office was transferred to the Grade School 1st floor building to convert the room into Clinic and the former Clinic was converted to a Prayer Room.
Construction of the Guidance Center in the Ground floor main building took place.
The name Center for Integral Evangelization in MAPSA was changed to Christian Formation.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Communty Extension School offered Grade 4.
Sr. Marie Celine Santos, SPC was appointed as the fifth School Head and Principal.
An additional classroom was constructed for OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension School.
Our Lady of Peace School received the First Excellence in Educational Transformation Awards (EETA) by ABS-CBN Bayan Academy, Rex Bookstore Inc., and Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc., on February 15
Our Lady of Peace School celebrated its 40th Founding Celebration with the theme: 40 years in Priming Great Leaders and in Sharing Christ's Mission.
11 Faculty Members graduated with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and 1 Master of Arts in St. Paul University, Surigao (SPUS) in March.
Re-organization of Alumni Association was done.
The implementation of K to 12 programs started.
PAASCU held its first formal visitation of Our Lady of Peace School.
PAASCU Level 1 Status was granted.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension School offered Grade 5.
58 CCTVs, Student Attendance Monitory System, and Cashless Transaction system were installed.
Implementation of Skills Development Program started.
Our Lady of Peace School began preparing for the PAASCU Level 2 Visit.
Four Faculty members graduated with the degree of Master of Arts from St. Paul University Surigao.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension School offered Grade 6.
OLPS Tawid-Tawid Community Extension Schol held its first Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony.
Application for the Senior High School permit was filed.
The construction of the Bishop Gungon building started.
Sr. Edna Lopez, SPC was appointed as the sixth School Head and Principal.
Implementation of I-Ready program for English and Math and Robotics for Advance Classes started.
Six Faculty members graduated with Master of Arts Degree from St. Joseph College
Blessing of Bishop Gungon building was held.
Sr. Anabel Dela Cruz, SPC is the present School Head and Principal.
Installation of CCTVs in strategic areas in the campus was done
K to 11 programs were opened.
Canonical Possession of Most Rev. Francisco de Leon, D.D. as the Bishop of Antipolo and OLPS School Director.
Completion of the new TLE laboratory for High School.
Our Lady of Peace School was grated PAASCU Level 2 Re-Accredited Status.
Completion of the first batch of K-12 Curriculum
First batch of SHS Grade 12 Graduated.
The High School Robotics Laboratory was relocated to Bishop Gungon Building.
The Storage Room for Chemicals was transffered to another room adjacent to the Chemistry, Biology, and Physics Laboratories.
The Asean Center was put up in the Vicente Fernandez Building.
Assessment and Enhancement Program of Scholastic was implemented in the Grade School.
The satellite library was put up on the 3rd floor of the Marian Building.
Blessing of the new Cloister of the SPC sisters.
Renovation of the new Grade School HE room.
Dr. William Spady, a sociologist who is committed to learner empowerment and paradigm shiftin education visited OLPS for Outcome-based education
Thirteen Faculty members completed their MA at St. Paul University, Manila
Selected Faculty members and ICT Staff received the Microsoft Office Certification.
Twenty-five employes completed TESDA NC 3 on Housekeeping: 10 faculty, 5 staff, and 10 maintenance personnel.
Second batch of Grade 12 students graduated.
Drone Piloting was offered.
Eleven Faculty members finished their Teacher Certificate Program (TCP) major in Outcome-based Pedagogy at St. Paul University, Manila.
Two staff from the Guidance Office and one from the Finance Office finished their Master's degree.
Our Lady of Peace School was sent an invitation by FAAP and PAASCU to apply for Level 3 Accreditation.
Additional Robotics Laboratory was put up for the SHS.
Maker Space rooms were prepared for GRade School and Junior High School
Twelve Faculty members completed their MA at St. Paul University, Manila.
Fifty Employees completed TESDA NC 2 on Housekeeping: 20 Faculty and 30 Maintenance personnel.
The Senior High School became a member of the Junior Achievement of the Phil., Inc.
Our lady of Peace Schol became a Microsoft Training Center.
Our Lady of Peace School submitted the documents for PAASCU Level 3 Accreditation
Our Lady of Peace School held its first virtual graduation because of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Sr. Connie Aleta Simbol, SPC was appointed as the new CCF Head and Local SPC Community Superior.
Our Lady of Peace School was granted Level 3 Re-Accredited Status. The certificate is valid until May 2023.
Handwashing Stations were installed in three designated areas: Preschool Gate, Main Gate, and High School Gate.
The DACSA-MAPSA Readiness Evaluation Team headed by the superintendent, Rev. Fr. Glenn William Relucio, visited OLPS for assessment in preparation for the new normal system of education.
Some classrooms, learning centers, offices, and laboratories were converted into virtual classrooms for the new normal in OLPS.
Our Lady of Peace School started online classes dubbed "OLPS@Home"
Ten Faculty members finished their Master of Arts in Curriculum Design, Development & Supervision from St. Paul University Manila. The Graduation was held at the Marian Hall of Our Lady of Peace School.
Sr. Erlen Adanza, SPC was reappointed as the new CCF Head and Local SPC Community Superior.
Sr. Lauren Risma, SPC was appointed as the new Finance Officer.
Our Lady of Peace School celebrated it's 50th Golden Jubilee.
Canonical Visitation of Mother Maria Goretti Lee, SPC, Superior General and Sr. Emily Louise Del Castillo, SPC, First Asst. General
A Dream to Last, a benefit concert for DREAMS scholars was held.
Sr. Ruby Abellana, SPC was appointed as the second Finance Officer.
Most Rev. Ruperto Cruz Santos, D.D was installed as the Fifth Bishop of Antipolo during the Canonical Installation, and the new school director.
Integration Outcome-based education and RCC-WBLS in pursuit of providing quality and excellence
Benchmarking in Dubai of Administration and Department Unit Heads.
Our Lady of Peace School of Antipolo City is a Cathedral School, which is administered by the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. OLPS shares in the mission of the Church to proclaim Jesus Christ as the Good News to all. Under the patronage of Our Lady of Peace and St. Paul, the school envisions to educate and form Christ-centered persons who are intellectually excellent and competent, socially responsible, morally upright, and spritually mature.
- Strengthen our academic curriculum and co-curricular programs.
- Integrate Christian Values in all subject areas and permeate all systems and procedures with Gospel Values.
- Participate actively in the community, parish, and cause-oriented activities/projects.
- Form mature-Christian conscience that will lead to sound decision-making
- Live and Proclaim the faith in the view of our ultimate destiny-union with God.